

I am Ellen, 47 years old, and a single mother of two.

Life brings a lot of opportunities, and I take most of them, I am on the adventurous side.
During my professional career, I had several jobs. For the most part, I did organize events. For example, I was the team manager in charge of an important Congress Center in Las Vegas for ten years. However, my passion for casino games does not come from there. We will talk about it later.

New Life

I decided in 2016 that I was done with stressful jobs. In addition, my personal life was aligned with that willingness. Since my kids were grown-up and independent, it made a change of life possible.
So, I settled in the San Diego area. It facilitates practicing both hobbies of mine: Surf and Motorbike. Indeed, the weather is perfect for going on road trips. And I like to go to Black Beach when there are good conditions for the surf.


My Gambling Passion

At the same time, I developed a passion for online casino games.
The fun thing is I did not gamble at all when I was in Vegas. Like many locals, the strip was a professional place for me. And, except for going to shows, I spent my free time in peaceful places with my family. Even now, I don’t enjoy that much casinos because it sounds professional to me.
I started playing with a friend of mine in 2016. We played some online blackjack games on his laptop. I did like the emotion; maybe I’m addicted to adrenaline.
Soon, I started playing popular games on my own account. I love table games like Blackjack, Roulette, and Baccarat. In the same way, the slots are very exciting and fun when I want to play for a couple of minutes.

Later, I tried to create an account and deposit on a Bitcoin Casino. My son convinced me of the potential of Bitcoin. That’s why I invested in some Bitcoins. I was willing to spend in real life and not only hold cryptocurrencies. What an idea; I enjoy not only playing usual casino games but also Dice and, more recently, Crash. 

In my opinion, crypto casinos offer a way better player experience.  

First, I love the crypto game’s minimalism. Also, provably fair games increase my confidence in playing online. 

Secondly, I do enjoy socializing with the community through chats. I do like the atmosphere there.  

Bitcoin Casino Expert

Expert for Bet1Coin

So, I’m trying to make a living from my passions.

On the one hand, I already developed a motorcycle clothes business.

On the other hand, I will share my experience with the Bet1coin team to bring you the best of Crypto Casinos.

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